You'll find regular updates, forthcoming events and news on this page of what's been happening and going on at MOPP's in Fairlight in our monthly news letter.
MOPP has received a grant from Sussex Foundation Grassroots Fund.
The Centre “which is a registered charity (no. 1129231)”
1940's morning at MOPP, Fairlight Village Hall. Charles Perez (Partner, Just Property) and Fairlight Village Voice correspondent, Keith Pollard, judged the event.
Published on Friday 4 May 2012 11:55
Over 40 members of the Marsham Older People’s Project, in Fairlight, dressed up in 1940’s costume in what has been described as a ‘fantastic day’.
Prizes were awarded by Charles Prez, of Just Properties, and Keith Pollard, to the best costumes.
First prize winner wore his war-time uniform and the second prize winner came in her mother’s apron.
Co-ordinator of the day centre, Sylvia Gutsell, said: "Special thanks go to all the volunteers who dressed up as well and made the day special. Just Properties kindly helped with the prizes and our grateful thanks go to them as well".
Photo and article, courtesy of The Hastings & Rye Observer.