M.O.P.P. - Friday Lunch club and more...
M.O.P.P. - Friday Lunch club and more...

It was a joy for us last week to welcome back  the “Cantabile Choir” at Mopps singing with their dulcit tones and harmonies a variety of songs old and new.

       Hearing dogs with Sally Watson

Sally Watson returned to MOPP with her team and Guide dogs to give a lecture on Hearing dogs for Deaf people.

Singer Carol George made a welcome return to Mopps recently. Carol always gets the members motivated and to join in with her choice of songs.


A presentation at Mopps recently of a cheque for £4.450.00. Money raised by all the people in Fairlight Village (including myself) who opened their gardens last month. This will help to secure the running of our weekly club for another year for sure.
Sincere thanks and appreciation to all involved.




MOPP's we're delighted and very grateful last Friday when Trevor Lewing of the FRA - Fairlight Residence Association stopped by and presented us with a cheque for £200.00 raised at their recent Variety night back in February.
Pictured here with Chairman Jim Saphin and Coordinator Carolyn Smyth.



A huge thank you to this year's recipient of the 'John Lutman' award, Shirley Gilbert for donating her prize of £150.00 to MOPP - Marsham Older People's Project as her chosen charity. Shirley has been involved in many clubs here in the village as secretary for the past 22 years including the village hall, the W.I., the bowls club, the T.L.C and Mopp's.
(Pictured here presenting her cheque today to MOPP's Chairman, Jim Saphin).

               MOPP'S PRODUCE SALE

Last Friday's 'Produce sale' raised almost £350.00. We would sincerely like to thank members for their support and to the cooks and volunteers who took time to make homemade jams, quiches, sausage rolls, scones and cakes.


Sylvia Gutsell has been recognised for starting the Marsham Older People's Project which meets weekly at Fairlight Village Hall and helps prevent elderley people from being isolated. Although MOPP recently celebrated it's 8th Birthday, it was 10 years ago that founder Sylvia Gutsell first came up with the idea, motivated by local charity worker Nan Hacker. It took two years before the club was up and running. Volunteers and Carers presented her with a 10th anniversarry card, a rose plant & bouquet in recognision of her continued hard work in keeping the club running.

Sylvia is pictured here with Chairman Jim Saphin, and above with Molly Brown and Valerie King who have both been with MOPP from the very beginning.


It was so nice to have the Ladies of "Friends Unlimited" Choir come and sing for Mopp's last week. Helen, Brenda, Deirdre, Pat and Susie entertained the members with songs of old and new. MOPP's committe and members were also extremely grateful for their generous donation of £300.00 raised from a past event of their's singing at the Hastings Museum.


MOPP's committee member's and Volunteers, Tony and Val King recently celebrated their Diamond Wedding seen here receiving a gift of an orchid from us all. Tony and Val have been with Mopp's now for almost eight years and we congratulate them on their special day with our love and best wishes.


             Jim Saphin sings at MOPP's


The winner of this year’s John Lutman Award for community service has donated his prize money to the Marsham Older People’s Project (MOPP).

George Hensher won this year’s award for his work on Fairlight Parish Council and for his tireless work raising money for the Fairlight Preservation Trust. He was presented with a shield and a cheque for £150 at the Fairlight Parish Assembly at the end of May and has now presented his winnings together with an additional donation to MOPP.

The photo below shows George presenting the money to Co-ordinator Robert Pasterfield and founder Sylvia Gutsell. He said "Marsham Older People’s Project is a great charity, providing a much needed facility for the people of Fairlight and surrounding villages. I have been proud to be associated with MOPP since it was founded eight years ago and am delighted to have seen its membership and services grow over the years."

             "Land Army Girls" at MOPP's

Land Army Girls at MOPP


To commemorate the 70th anniversary of VE Day, entertainment at MOPP on Friday 8th May was provided by local singing duo ‘The Land Army Girls’.

Bringing with them memorabilia and fun as well as favourite old songs Diana and Julia treated everyone to a reminder of the camaraderie, humour and music of the wartime years.

MOPP’s members were taken on a trip down memory lane with stories of ration books, clothing coupons and gas masks and then joined in wartime songs made famous by Vera Lynn and Gracie Fields amongst others.

The entertainment came to a close with everyone waving Union Jacks while Fairlight Village Hall reverberated to a rousing rendition of ‘We’ll meet again’. 

                Singer/Musician Tim Gibson

                 RED NOSE DAY AT MOPP

MOPP's volunteers and helpers prepare to give members a fun day for "RED NOSE DAY" last Friday 13th March. Members sat down to a delicious hot lunch and were entertained by Keith Osborne. Check out this cute photo of our Treasurer, Ms Molly Brown who joined in the fun!

The Ladies "ALL ALOUD" Choir graced the stage at MOPP's for the first time last Friday, January 30th singing a medley of songs from the shows and various musicals. Members enjoyed their singing very much and we welcome them back to the Village hall again soon.

MOPP's welcomed Bob & Deck's famous quiz for the first time last Friday, January 16th. The quiz certainly involved a great deal of concentration for members who found this to be most enjoyable. Congratulations go to table 6 - (the Ladies from 5 Villages) for winning the quiz, rewarded with prizes of wine and chocolates. Our thanks to Bob & Declan for taking the time to arrange this entertainment and we certainly do hope to have them return again soon.

All the helpers, carers and volunteers getting in the Christmas cheer this week at M.O.P.P

       Remembering the First World War


Members of (MOPP) Marsham Older People's Project enjoyed a good old sing-song last Friday at Fairlight village hall. Entertained by Eastbourne singer and keyboard player, Brian Howard.  The group were royally entertained for an hour and a half to a host of old musical favourites with many members taking to the dance floor for the livelier numbers.
There was also a serious side to the day when the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War was commemorated.
Many members brought in memorabilia and relayed stories of the conflict as told to them by parents and grandparents.
Photograph shows members posing together with Brian Howard (centre).

                    THE REGENCY SINGERS

The Regency Singers made a welcome return to MOPP's last Friday, September 26th to sing a selection of songs from the shows and musicals direced by Robert and Andrew on piano.

      Singer/entertainer Sharon Sellens

Singer / entertainer Sharon Sellens made her debut at MOPP last Friday and sang a medley of old time songs accompanied by pianist Richard.


Mopp's welcome MP Sarah Owen

MP Sarah Owen (pictured above) with Co-ordinator Robert Pasterfield, long standing member Lily and  Chairman Jim Saphin.

                  A kind donation to MOPP

Always trying to raise funds and keep the service open, MOPP's were delighted to receive a donation from the FRA (Fairlight Residents Association).

Photo above shows a cheque being presented at the third Fairlight village Fairfest festival by Treasurer, Steven Leadbetter to MOPP's Co-ordinator Robert Pasterfield and Chairman Jim Saphin.

Singer Carol George made a welcome return to MOPP's this week and entertained us with a selection of songs old and new.

Pictured above together with Chairman, Jim Saphin (left) and Co-ordinator, Robert Pasterfield

 Pat Bryer / Joyce Grenfell Impersonator

MOPP's members were certainly entertained last Friday, June 28th when Pat Bryer a Joyce Grenfell impersonator appeared at the village hall. Pat gave us a song or two and some very amusing anecdotes.


Mad Jac'ks Morris Dancers entertained the members of MOPP's on Friday, 25th April by explaining the history of Morris Dancing and demonstrating various dance routines of which members were included to participate in the finale.

(Watch video below).

                          DISCO Theme day

MOPPS DISCO Theme day last friday was a very enjoyable day with many of the members getting up on the floor to 'shake their groove thing!'

Jim and Sue sang a few songs too!


The "Friends Unlimited" singers led by pianist and Musical Director Helen Bird OBE performed at the Hastings Museum on Saturday morning, April 22nd in support of the ongoing work at MOPP's. This venue was well attended and we sincerley thank Helen and the Choir for their time and efforts. They sang a mixture of songs including a special tribute from Paul to MOPP's treasurer, Molly Brown.


"Friends Unlimited" singers

'Friends Unlimited' - "You Raise Me Up"

                        "I Love Molly"

   sung by Paul of 'Friends Unlimited'

                       FAREWELL TO FLO

It was a very sad day at MOPP's this week as we said farewell to our longest running member, Flo Finnigan. She is moving on to be closer to her family.

We wish her every happiness in her future years.

           A generous donation to MOPP's

MOPP's were extremely grateful this week, Friday 7th February when they received a very generous donation from Mr. Richard J. Ostle B.A. (Hons) TEP pictured above presenting a cheque to Chairman Margaret Broadstock, helpers and volunteers.


Meeting every Friday

Meeting every Friday at Fairlight Village Hall, Broadway, Fairlight

between 10.00am and 2.30pm.



Fairlight Village Hall,

Broadway, Fairlight.


01424 814 726


Only call between the hours of 9am and 2pm on fridays 


You can also contact us, leave a message or make a comment by using our online


 contact form


The Centre “which is a registered charity

 (no. 1129231)” 


Annette Holmes

Telephone: 07703 585329

Jim Saphin

Website Moderator


email: fairlightmopp@aol.com




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